Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Swiss Fun

The Newbies: Loni, Connie, Jen and Hillary

One of our long time members Mandy, was not able to attend Swiss Girls Day Out because she has a bow business (Bows and Bobbies) that she entered into Swiss Days. So instead of shopping this year she was busy sweating and making sales. We hope she had a very successful weekend, however we don't wish it to be too successful otherwise she might do it again next year instead of coming with us. And we all know which is more fun!!
(I feel like a giant in this bunch, wear bigger shoes girls)

Alisha & Mandy K.

This is Loni, applying the smiley faces on Trudi's toes. There is never 
too much fun to be had with the Swiss Girls.

One thing we don't have pictures of but is a hilarious story. While laying in bed and talking Hillary & I (Alisha) heard something outside the window. So we worked our way over in the pitch black to the window to try and see what it was. No luck too dark, so I told Hill to turn on the light, then it was too bright. We decided to go out to the kitchen to look out the window. Flipping on all of the lights accidentally, we made it to the window. I put my head up to the window then turned to see Hillary put her hands up, which scared the crap out of me and made me scream (her hands looked like big animal horns!) I turned to run, ran into her, she ran into a chair all while we were both screaming back to the bedroom. Jen had come out of the bedroom and was hiding to scare us, however Loni had come down and got the scare instead. Momalou was hollering at us to keep it down cuz she was trying to sleep (jokingly of course)it was only 3am. Needless to say we scared the animal off with the lights, screaming and laughing. You had to be there to fully appreciate the situation, it was freaking hilarious!!

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